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For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life
John 3:16

Since World Changers Non-Profit Organizations' inception in 2020, our mission has been to provide for the needs of the homeless, poor, and working poor families. To educate men and women on becoming stand-out leaders in their community, and dependable working citizens. Changing the minds will change the world one person at a time.

Helping mothers that have lost their children get back on the right track by loving them right where they are at and providing the necessary resources to help and support them through the transformation they will go through.
“Go make your mark in the world. Be a world changer! Live bold for Christ no matter the cost.”

The brotherhood project is a project that has transformed the lives of many men from all walks of life. We have found that many grown men, as well as our youth, have been brought up by unhealthy role models or none at all. Leaving them in a position to live a life on little or nothing of what a mature man looks like.
In this program, men are coming to the understanding that they have a place to bleed, to let out the fears and guilts and shame that they carry. and began to learn the characteristics of a mature man that has brought families back together and has prevented many from getting a 3rd strike in the judicial system.
This 20-week course will transform and renew men and turn them into leaders, mature leaders that will lead their families, communities, and workplace with honor and wisdom. For more information fill out the form and we will contact you within 24hrs

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